Community Training
Community Training
The UT Dallas Police Department offers training courses to all members of the UT Dallas community. Read below for more information about our CRASE and R.A.D. training programs.
CRASE Civilian Response Course
Active Attack Events, Stress Response, and ADD/Run, Hide, Fight
The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course teaches participants to identify response options as civilians in an active shooter or other life-threating incident before, during, and after the event. Participants will also be provided with strategies that can be used to prepare and respond to an Active Attack or other life-threatening incident. For more information, contact UT Dallas Police Department Training at or 972-883-2592.
What is R.A.D.?
R.A.D. Systems is a network of dedicated self-defense instructors established in 1989. This alliance of instructors believes that self-defense should be easy to learn, easy to retain, and relatively easy to employ during real confrontational situations. This alliance believes that self-defense training should be accessible and affordable for all individuals. The instructors believe their efforts to oppose violence will be more effective together, than as individuals. As a network they can assist one another with programs, equipment, references, experiences and insight. But most importantly, they honor each others’ teachings, allowing each of them to give every participant they train a lifetime return and practice invitation anywhere there is a R.A.D. Program being offered, at no cost!
R.A.D. Registration
R.A.D. Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need any prior experience to attend this class? Do I need to be in top physical shape to participate?
No. This program is designed for the average individual with no previous experience or background in physical skills training.
Is there a program in my area?
The UT Dallas Police Department offers RAD courses on campus. For other locations, please check the Program Locator section on this RAD website above.
What is the cost of a basic program?
The average cost for the Basic Physical Defense program for women is about $25. There is no cost for programs offered by UT Dallas.
Is this program based on just one person’s expertise?
The RAD program as it appears today is a result of the contributions of many RAD instructors across the United States and Canada.
How long is this program?
The Basic Physical Defense program is a minimum of nine hours and up to a semester long for those instructors who teach for college credit.
Can I bring my younger daughter with me?
Yes. It is very common for mothers and daughters to attend this program together. In addition to developing and enhancing their options of self-defense, it seems to be a great bonding experience for them.
What are the requirements to become an instructor?
Any woman with the desire to share this information with other women may become an instructor. Men who wish to become RAD instructors must have a law enforcement background or be willing to submit to a background investigation.