Security Awareness and Crime Prevention
Security awareness and crime prevention programs are based upon a dual concept of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students, faculty and staff to share the responsibility for their own safety and for others.
Below is a list of the current crime prevention and security awareness projects and services provided by the UT Dallas Police Department:
Crime prevention brochures and other printed materials are presented during each registration and orientation session. Crime awareness and crime prevention articles are also available upon request.
An electronic security alarm system located at the UT Dallas Police Department 911 Communications Center monitors a comprehensive network of intrusion detection and duress alarm systems.
Operation Identification
the engraving of serial numbers or owner recognized numbers on items of value and the cataloging of items. Tools are available for checkout at the Police Department and Crime Prevention Office.
Building Security Surveys
Ongoing comprehensive security surveys of exterior building lighting, exterior doors, security access, video surveillance, and grounds are conducted by Facilities Management and Police employees.
Lighting Surveys
Ongoing comprehensive lighting surveys of the entire campus including walkways, parking lots, and sidewalks are conducted using a Greenlee digital light meter. Results are forwarded to Facilities Management for outage and/or deficiency correction.
Maintenance and Repairs
The Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety office, and Facilities Management office monitor safety and security considerations in campus maintenance. Inspections of campus facilities by Facilities Management personnel are made regularly so that repairs affecting safety or security can be made. Concerns regarding potential safety and security hazards may be reported to any of these groups, as well the Police Department at 972-883-2222.
Lost & Found
The UT Dallas Police Department maintains the University’s Lost & Found. If you find an item on campus, please bring it to the Police Department and turn it into an employee of the department. If you have lost an item you can check with Lost & Found by coming to the Police Department or calling 972-883-2222. Lost & Found hours of operation are Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Vehicle Assists
Vehicle assistance is offered to individuals who need a battery jump, or have locked their keys inside their vehicle if the vehicle is not equipped with power locks. To request assistance, call 972-883-2222, give your name, vehicle information, and location. Assistance will be dispatched to your location.
Safe Walk Campus Escorts
Personal safety escorts are available upon request 24 hours a day. To request an escort, call 972-883-2222. Give your name and nearest exit door to your location. An officer, PSO, student patrol, or Explorer will meet you at the building and walk you to any area on campus.
Student Patrol
Student patrol is a paid position with the Police Department and provides extra eyes and ears for the officers. Some of their services include walking escorts and other support roles that do not require a commissioned officer.
Project Exodus
As an expanded part of our night time Student Patrol program, the Student Patrol officers are issued 12-inch flashing LED wands, reflective vests, and police radios. Exodus personnel station themselves at strategic pathway points between class buildings and parking lots, and serve as active security points for students, faculty, and staff walking to parking lots at night. They are highly visible and are trained in police radio communications.
R.A.D. Rape Aggression Defense
UT Dallas Police participate as a sponsor in the R.A.D. program, offering self-defense training to female students, faculty and staff. A R.A.D. class is offered at least once a semester.
B.A.I.T Behavior Assessment and Intervention Team
The Behavior Assessment and Intervention Team reviews behavioral incidents and ensures a systematic response to students whose behavior may be disruptive or harmful to themselves or the UT Dallas community, and assists in protecting health, safety, and welfare of students and other members of the UT Dallas community.